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GeoQuiz Android版に関するレビュー
It is really amazing! The only thing that id a bit annoying is that I can have about 5 games a day, and then it starts telling me, that I need to watch an ad to keep playing, but that is the only thing you should fix! Love your game!
Very interesting game. Loved playing it. But after a while, the game stopped adding my scores to the score after I started getting 10000+ every game, and completely broke down after I cleared 14000+ in one game. Disappointed with the functionality and transparency
If you are looking to get this It is very fun but every so often you will have to watch ads because you have ran out of plays for the day but if you do watch the ad you can play more rounds and there is a few loading problems loading some places it is a difficult and fun game
GeoQuiz Android版に関するレビュー