Fantasy Adventure Builderの紹介
MYTHMERE GAMES & RPG STORIES are joining forces to build the famous Tome of Adventure Design into something much more ambitious -an entire adventure-building digital app for PC, Mac, and Tablets!
Award-winning author Matt Finch is working with Brave Alice to create the Tome of Adventure Design: Fantasy Adventure Builder.
The Fantasy Adventure Builder has two components:
1. An interactive version of the Tome of Adventure Design tables (with some new improvements built in!)
2. A Table Builder that allows you to build your own generator for ANYTHING, either starting with the tables from Tome of Adventure Design or constructing your own tables.
The Table Builder can be used to design and share encounter tables, NPCs, name-generators, and much more!
Award-winning author Matt Finch is working with Brave Alice to create the Tome of Adventure Design: Fantasy Adventure Builder.
The Fantasy Adventure Builder has two components:
1. An interactive version of the Tome of Adventure Design tables (with some new improvements built in!)
2. A Table Builder that allows you to build your own generator for ANYTHING, either starting with the tables from Tome of Adventure Design or constructing your own tables.
The Table Builder can be used to design and share encounter tables, NPCs, name-generators, and much more!