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NinjaOne Android版に関するレビュー
App was great but is now unusable. Crashes every time I try to do anything. Big big problem for my business I rely heavily on the app. Hope this is resolved soon. Been happening for a couple weeks now.
Update on 11/16, reset trigger works after previous update, great job! I have been running mainly off this mobile app for the last few weeks and am very satisfied with this app, love the disk i/o on the fly too. It will be helpful too to provide event log and disk volume info on the fly. Can't reset triggered alert from this app, it gives unknown error. Like the GUI very similar to browser from computer, if you can add sort/filter on service under task will be very helpful
Mobile app has a lot to be desired. The UI doesn't match the the expected behavior. And that's across the entire interface. It's clear the app doesn't get the attention that the main website gets. Also end users can't use it to access their computer. Seems like a huge oversight
NinjaOne Android版に関するレビュー