Fleet the Dice GameはVHornetが開発したモスマホで動作するボードゲームです、最高のAndroidエミュレーターであるLDPlayerを使用すると、PCでFleet the Dice Gameをダウンロードして楽しむことができます。
PCでFleet the Dice Gameをプレイすると、PCの強力なCPUやメモリリソースを十分に活用でき、遅延やクラッシュの心配はありません。バッテリー、通信データ、騒がしい電話の制限もなく、思う存分にプレイできます。
また、LDPlayerはWindows PC向けのAndroidエミュレーターの1つであり、Android 9.0システムをベースにしており、より高速なパフォーマンスとより高いFPSを提供して、PCでFleet the Dice Gameをプレイする体験を向上させます。
さらに、LDPlayerには他のスマホでは提供されていない、マルチインスタンスサポート、マクロ、同期、リモートコントロールなど、独自の機能があります。今すぐPCでFleet the Dice Gameをダウンロードしてプレイを始めましょう!
Fleet: The Dice Game is an exciting new strategic roll and write dice game from the creators of Fleet! Fleet: The Dice Game is heavier than many roll and write games and captures the tense, meaningful decisions of Fleet.
In Fleet: The Dice Game, you are back in beautiful Ridback Bay to reap its rewards! Fleet: The Dice Game takes place over 10 rounds with each round having two phases, the Boat Phase and the Town Phase.
In the boat phase, the active player rolls players plus one boat dice. In turn order, each player selects one die to use immediately. By selecting a boat die, they get to check off the matching boat type on their sheet - unlocking license powers and boat launches to catch fish. The die that remains after all players have selected is then used by all players.
In the town phase, you roll town dice equal to players plus one boat die. Again, in turn order each player selects one die to use immediately. In the town phase, you unlock special buildings in the Wharf that grant bonuses, awesome ships in the harbor to earn points and catch more fish, or go to the market and gain income to generate bonus actions. The die that remains after all players have selected is then used by all players.
Fishing occurs between phases in the even rounds and the player with the most points at game end wins!
One moment, the sky over scenic Ridback Bay is an innocent blue, with a few otter-shaped clouds somersaulting high above. But, all of a sudden, the weather turns dicey and the sky darkens to a bruised and foreboding purple. Timid trawlers turn back and seek the shelter of the harbor to ride out the approaching storm from inside the walls of the pub . . . but not you. As the others come in, you and your fearless fleet of fishing vessels head straight out into the teeth of the gathering storm, despite the dicey waters. You’re ready to roll the dice, because rolling the dice is fun — as long as you don’t end up in debt to Davy Jones himself.
This is a roll-n-write game. Each round, you will be selecting dice and marking the results in the corresponding boxes of your score sheet. You’ll want to catch as many fish as possible with your boats, construct buildings at the wharf, and visit the harbor. But don’t neglect coins, which can trigger star actions that you can use anywhere on your score sheet. You have 8 rounds to prove you’re a saltier sea captain than your opponents!