Mombrush Playは지우솔루션(주)が開発したモスマホで動作する教育ゲームです、最高のAndroidエミュレーターであるLDPlayerを使用すると、PCでMombrush Playをダウンロードして楽しむことができます。
PCでMombrush Playをプレイすると、PCの強力なCPUやメモリリソースを十分に活用でき、遅延やクラッシュの心配はありません。バッテリー、通信データ、騒がしい電話の制限もなく、思う存分にプレイできます。
また、LDPlayerはWindows PC向けのAndroidエミュレーターの1つであり、Android 9.0システムをベースにしており、より高速なパフォーマンスとより高いFPSを提供して、PCでMombrush Playをプレイする体験を向上させます。
さらに、LDPlayerには他のスマホでは提供されていない、マルチインスタンスサポート、マクロ、同期、リモートコントロールなど、独自の機能があります。今すぐPCでMombrush Playをダウンロードしてプレイを始めましょう!
A daily habit is important for tooth brushing, which is a lifelong act.
Developing a habit of proper tooth brushing from childhood is significantly important as the saying goes, old habits die hard.
Mombrush is one of the systems for toothbrushing education and habit development established over the period of nearly a decade through clinical trials and research. It consists of entertaining games that kids like to play, allowing kids to learn a proper way to brush their teeth by making them to use continuously.
- Detecting the position, motion, and posture of tooth brushing
- 3 Tooth brushing games (for kids, for adults)
- Stimulating interest:
. Selecting and buying characters and toothbrushes with a tooth brushing point accumulated
. Offering rewards to continuously stimulate interest for the period of 3 months
. Providing analysis report
- Designed as a game, it enables people to acquire a tooth brushing method joyfully and naturally.
- It is a unique educational method of Watch & Play approved in clinical trials, making it an effective method.
- Can be used by all family members from kids to adults.
- No need for an expensive special toothbrush, not requiring extra fees.
How to use
1. Activate Bluetooth and location permissions on the smart device.
2. Insert your toothbrush into the Mombrush device and power on the Mombrush device.
3. After activating the Mom Brush Play app, press the start button.
4. Brush your teeth in the same direction as the character on the screen.
5. Check your brushing habits through the results report.
Required Permission
- Location permission: Request the permission for the Bluetooth connection.
(See Android ble policy documentation)
- Storage: To free up space for the app.