Napoléon AusterlitzはGabriel Féraudが開発したモスマホで動作する教育ゲームです、最高のAndroidエミュレーターであるLDPlayerを使用すると、PCでNapoléon Austerlitzをダウンロードして楽しむことができます。
PCでNapoléon Austerlitzをプレイすると、PCの強力なCPUやメモリリソースを十分に活用でき、遅延やクラッシュの心配はありません。バッテリー、通信データ、騒がしい電話の制限もなく、思う存分にプレイできます。
また、LDPlayerはWindows PC向けのAndroidエミュレーターの1つであり、Android 9.0システムをベースにしており、より高速なパフォーマンスとより高いFPSを提供して、PCでNapoléon Austerlitzをプレイする体験を向上させます。
さらに、LDPlayerには他のスマホでは提供されていない、マルチインスタンスサポート、マクロ、同期、リモートコントロールなど、独自の機能があります。今すぐPCでNapoléon Austerlitzをダウンロードしてプレイを始めましょう!
The figure of Napoleon has become legendary, this is his greatest victory, whatever one thinks of his reign!
Our narrative game offers you an adventure, in text mode, where each of your choices can have decisive consequences!
The objective is to plunge you back into this maelstrom of small decisions which form the chain of the greatest victory... or the most terrible defeat!
You relive the battle through different characters, including Napoleon himself! You will have to make crucial decisions, and as there is an educational dimension in this game, there will always be the support of Napoleon. But be careful, when he is angry, he will not be gentle with you!
There is an English version of the game.
An English version of the game is also available, simply select the English version once you've downloaded the application.
It's up to YOU to triumph at Austerlitz!
The figure of Napoleon has become mythical, and this is his greatest victory, whatever we think of his reign.
Our narrative game offers you an adventure, in text mode, where each of your choices can have decisive consequences!
The aim is to immerse you in the maelstrom of small decisions that make up the chain of the greatest victory... or the most terrible defeat!
You relive the battle through the eyes of different characters, including Napoleon himself! You'll be called upon to make crucial decisions, and as there's an educational dimension to the game, you'll always have Napoleon's support. But beware: when he's angry, he won't be gentle with you!
An English version of the game is also available.
An English version of the game is also available, simply select the English version once you've downloaded the application.
It's up to YOU to triumph at Austerlitz!