RecontrollerはChiikTが開発したアクションゲームであり、LDPlayerはWindows PC上でRecontrollerをプレイするための最適なプラットフォームであり、Recontrollerで没入型のゲーム体験を提供します。
--- このゲームの特徴 ---
- ピクセルグラフィックとヴィンテージTVフィルターの組み合わせが懐かしさを喚起
- SFを想起させるビジュアル
- シューティングゲームジャンルにおける革新的なデザイン
- 一撃ごとに満足感を提供
- 頻繁にレベルアップする機会
- 直感的でシンプルな操作
--- 奥行きから来る弾 ---
--- レトロ×SFグラフィック ---
--- 中毒性のあるヒット感覚と成長実感 ---
--- シンプルな操作 ---
--- SNS ---
X (Twitter):
Recontroller is a shooting game that integrates 2D and 3D graphics, offering beautiful yet nostalgic visuals with simple gameplay.
Players progress through stages by shooting various types of bullets to defeat enemies. Defeating enemies grants experience points, with level-ups enhancing the player's abilities. Each stage features four types of enemies and bosses, each with unique characteristics.
--- Features of this game is ---
- Pixel graphics combined with a vintage TV filter evoke a sense of nostalgia
- Sci-fi inspired visuals
- Innovative design in the shooting game genre
- Satisfying impact with every hit
- Frequent opportunities for level up
- Intuitive and simple controls
--- Bullets Coming from the Depth ---
The trajectory of enemy bullets, originating from the depth of the screen, can be anticipated by the trails of light, providing a new shooting game experience. Players need to be aware of the bullets approaching from the depth while dealing with the enemy fire at the forefront.
--- Retro × Sci-Fi Graphics ---
The game boasts graphics that balance retro pixel art with a futuristic, sci-fi ambiance, offering a unique and mysterious gaming experience.
--- Addictive Hit Sensation and Growth Realization ---
Players can enjoy the pleasure of defeating multiple enemies at once. Frequent leveling up allows for continuous play without boredom due to the enhancement of performance.
--- Simple control ---
"Recontroller" is shooter with simple control. You can shoot by tapping the left side of screen and move the character using the stick in the right side of screen.